Options · 04/16/2021

Why create a review site

What is the first thing you do when you’re looking for something to buy online? If you’re one of the majority, you scan online reviews of an item to see what people are saying about it. That’s why the popular review site TripAdvisor is worth nearly $12 billion. Not everyone is destined to become as gigantic as the last site, but making a few hundred to a couple thousand dollars a month is possible for anyone who runs a niche review site. There are two popular ways to create a review site. The first is to add a review area to an existing blog. The second is to create a completely independent review site. Regardless of the direction you choose, it is important not to choose a niche that is too competitive. For example, there are many sites where you can read reviews of digital cameras, but there aren’t as many sites where you can read about accessories for those cameras anymore. The secret to success in creating a review site is to find the right niche. The ideal niche is one that has low competition and that you have a passion for. Here are a few factors you should think about:

  • What resources can you offer to build traffic?
  • Can you easily attract advertisers? (That is, people who sell their product).
  • Are there any affiliate programs?
  • Are other people making money in this niche?
  • What does the competition look like?

You can use tools like SEMRush, BuzzSumo and Google Keyword Planner to help with your research. Pick a niche and let’s take a look at how you can create a review site.